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Breakfast Bowls

Morning Oat bowl with Kiwi

Morning Oat bowl with Kiwi

Enjoy a mouth watering oat bowl

2 people
Prep Time
30 minutes
Total Time
45 minutes


  1. Medium sized blender
  2. Rubber spatula
  3. Coconut Bowls for serving
  4. Medium size pot


  1. 1 Kiwi
  2. Peanut sauce
  3. 1 cup of oats
  4. A few ground walnuts 
  5. A few Goji Berries


  1. In a pot, bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Add 1 cups of oats after and then  let simmer for around 30 minutes, while stirring occasionally.
  2. Add oats in a blender and add some water and blend until texture is  smooth.
  3. Pour smoothie mix into your coconut bowl
  4. Add toppings such as sliced Kiwi's, a pinch of Goji Berries, and a few  ground walnuts.
  5. Top with peanut sauce, and enjoy.

Bernadetta Pacana

Brenadette is a holistic nutritionist who has a passion for empowering others to live a healthy and fulfilling life. She loves teaching yoga and creating recipes so you can eat delicious breakfast bowls.